We are ONE Month out!  I think I always say I can’t believe it is here already but once again it is upon us, and I am so never ready!  But it will be good none the less.  Just a few reminders:

  1. Book your Hotel Room!  OUR GROUP BLOCK ENDS THIS WEDNESDAY August 21st – don’t forget to make your reservations to be included in our group.  More rooms booked in our block would help us negotiate better rates for the conference rooms next year.
  2. Tell your spinning friends that we have a nice air-conditioned public area just outside the conference room for Spin In Public Day on Saturday September 21st.
  3. I haven’t received any stories or pictures to be included in our 20th anniversary Zine.  There is still time but just so get those stories and pictures over to me asap!
  4. Don’t forget to bring your Florida Fiber In Hotel Horror Story.  We have had our share of  – what shall we call them: challenges, experiences, opportunities to creative problem solve?  over the years!
  5. Our destination this year is Scotland so get your Scots dusted off.

As always, I can’t wait to see everyone!  This will be our 18th Florida Fiber In but we began this adventure 20 years ago in St Augustine between hurricanes.  Incidentally that will probably be my hotel horror story.  A few of you were there too – no elevator and mold but we still had fun!  I learned to warp my 4-harness loom at that first event and haven’t stopped weaving since.  I finally learned to Tat another year.  What have you learned?  

Send me those stories – it doesn’t have to be a long story – just a few sentences from each of you will add up fast!


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